This scene was an everyday scene with the cow lot not far from the house when we were living on the farm. It always amazed me how the momma cow kept her little ones under foot and close by.
This artwork took First Place in the Watercolor Division at the 19th Annual Dakota Masters Works Exhibition in Sioux Falls, SD.in 2017
If you are interested in purchasing this artwork please send me a message from my contact page. Thank you. .
This scene was an everyday scene with the cow lot not far from the house when we were living on the farm. It always amazed me how the momma cow kept her little ones under foot and close by.
This artwork took First Place in the Watercolor Division at the 19th Annual Dakota Masters Works Exhibition in Sioux Falls, SD.in 2017
If you are interested in purchasing this artwork please send me a message from my contact page. Thank you. .